2015 Trailblazers Solutions Saddles Combined Training Championships

The 2015 Solutions Saddles Combined Training 65cm Champion title went to Sue Knight, from Halesowen, and her 11 year old gelding, Newydd Charlie Boy. Sue bought Charlie as an unbroken two year old, as her other horse was getting older and she wanted another to bring on. However, Sue had a serious accident when another horse kicked her knee, leaving her unable to walk for a year. Sue is now able to ride again but has to be careful, “I don’t know how long I’m going to be able to ride for. It’s painful when I ride, but it’s painful if I don’t!” This was the pairs first year at the championships and Sue had no expectations of winning.  She said “it was unreal, I was overwhelmed when we won.”

The 2015 Solutions Saddles Combined Training 75cm Trailblazers Championship went to Rachel Ovens (25), from Furneux Pelham in Hertfordshire, who rode to victory on Geraldine Philips’ 19 year old gelding, Ted. Rachel has been riding Ted for 4 years after meeting Geraldine through a friend, and this is their first year competing at Trailblazers. “We wanted to try combined training as I mostly ride dressage and Ted has built up my confidence in show jumping.” Rachel fought of stiff competition from other riders in her class to take the top spot, “He didn’t put a foot wrong the entire weekend”, she said.   “He went so well in the dressage, we got a score of 79%.” Rachel’s weekend was made even more special by her family coming down to watch her ride, “They haven’t seen me ride in year and they saw me win, which was great”, she continued. For Rachel, the highlight was the mounted prize giving but Geraldine said, “The whole weekend was fantastic, we really enjoyed it. It was so well organised.”

The Trailblazers Solutions Saddles Combined Training Horses 85cm Championship went to Emily Cruickshank from Derby riding her own Tymbars Wizbit.

Connie Russell, from Harrogate, who took Solutions Saddles Combined Training Ponies 65cm Champion riding Hanmere Knutkin, who is owned by her Aunt, Helen Crosland. The pair attended last year’s Trailblazers Championships and won the Trailblazers 65cm Combined Training last year. Connie’s goal this year was to try and regain the champion title. Helen said, “Connie was the youngest rider in the class and Buddy was the smallest pony. She did very well to beat all the adults too.” Connie also took reserve champion in the 75cm Combined Training class, Helen continued, “Trailblazers has been fabulous for Connie, it has given her a chance to compete at such a great venue and given her something to work towards each year”,

Jade Varley, from Chorley, took 2015 Trailblazers Solutions Saddles Combined Training Ponies 75cm Champion with her 9 year old mare, Gaegarw Lucy. The pair competed in the Trailblazers 2013 Championships, successfully taking champion in the Working Hunter class. Jade had hoped to qualify again for the following championships, but she was unable to compete following a bad accident at the beginning of the 2014. Jade was preparing to take Lucy out for a hack and when she went to mount the mare slipped, falling on top of Jade. The pair were both injured badly and Jade was rushed to the hospital where it was discovered she had broken her hip. Lucy was also rushed to the vet and put on box rest for 8 weeks. After a full recovery, the pair were back for the Championships this year and competed in the 65cm and 75cm Combined Training classes, “When we came, her main aim was to remember the dressage tests, to take champion was amazing!” Said Samantha, Jade’s mum.

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